Amanda De Warren talks about how the ‘Corona stuff’ is affecting our fur babies

Amanda De Warren talks about how the ‘Corona stuff’ is affecting our fur babies

You can read this and other articles in the RE-LAUNCH Edition of Rebirth Magazine – June 2020

For our relaunch edition of Rebirth Magazine we sat down with medium, healer and animal communicator Amanda De Warren. 

Amanda is based on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland but connects with people and animals worldwide.

We asked Amanda to share some of her tips for keeping our pets happy while we’re in isolation together.  Here’s what she had to say: 

My name is Amanda De Warren and I am one of the leading global animal communicators – both passed and living. I have spent decades working with animals on all levels and their owners too.

I would like to share some amazing stories with you about our much-loved fur babies. 

I know you are all totally over the whole ‘Corona stuff’ but what a lot of people are asking is how it is all affecting our fur babies.  Many of us are home a lot more and this is just music to their ears as they settle into a new daily routine.

So how do we help them to cope once this planet returns to a normal routine once again?  They know we are loving being with them as much as they are loving being with us, but I can tell you that they are much more aware about the situation than we realise.

Many animals know that this staying home with them thing is just temporary and that at some point we will return to having to leave the house daily. Our pets also want us to know that they are fine with it all and they are lapping it up, so to speak, for as long as they can. Our fur babies are also prepared for the inevitable return to work but they will quickly return to that state of mind of being home alone once again.

Many of my clients worldwide have been contacting me asking me basically the same question. It brings us peace of mind knowing that they are very aware of the situation and also things will return to normal at some stage. Our fur babies are also aware of the stress that many of us are now under and all they want us to know is that they are right there with us loving us and supporting us unconditionally and that will never change.

Our babies also know that they are still a priority to us and that will never change no matter what the global circumstances are. Overall, they truly understand what is happening around the world and they need us to understand that they are our rock and, especially in these uncertain times.  Our fur babies love us unconditionally and that is an absolute fact. No virus or any other global catastrophe can change that.

Have an awesome day and hug your fur babies for me.


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