Gwenda Smith

Gwenda Smith

Spirit Medicine Woman, Spiritual Mentor, Holistic Intervention Practitioner, Holistic Natural Healing – Lifestyle Mentor and Educator.

Gwenda is a trailblazer and unconventional practitioner with a proven track record of success over 30 years. She has changed hundreds of people’s lives. Working with individuals and groups, she provides dynamic, interactive sessions to people who want to embrace a life enriched and empowered, being strong in mind, body & soul. Through her proven techniques and approach, she will teach you how to make decisions & choices which will enrich your life and help you achieve all that you dream of and hope for on all eight platforms of wellness. She will provide you with tools and easy to follow steps to embrace a holistic lifestyle to achieve optimum health & wellness.

Gwenda is an inspiring and motivating speaker and presenter. Her methods are raw and real. She is a compelling driver for change.

Gwenda can ‘see’ disease and illness before it has manifested into the physical, the reason it is there and where it has come from.

Gwenda is a natural-born ‘Seer.’ She communicates and channels between the worlds, the messenger/channel of the Archangels, sees energy bodies of people, connects with those who have passed from this realm, and is a conduit for the Light of healing of The Almighty Divine.

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